Hospitality Solutions

For over 20 years Axeze has a strong presence in the hospitality industry with the one of its kind operator logon proximity reader “KEP”.
The KEP uses a 10-16 Character alpha numeric code to logon an operator thus providing a strong transaction control in a high cash movement industry.
We also offer other product which have a high involvement in maintaining strong control measures in the Hotels, Pubs and Clubs and as the technology is evolving, we are also making changes to provide a seamless solution to the industry.

is the only proximity reader used by the Hospitality venues across Australia and Newzealand for fast tracking operator logion to the POS Till to process a transaction.
Using the KEP has many advantages
Secure Login
Fast Login
Transaction Control
Manager Overide
Agressive frequency
Axeze CDK
is the only Cash Draw Kicker used by the Hospitality venues across Australia and Newzealand for providing Cash Change in Gaming rooms, Float rooms and high end Cash movement areas.
Using the KEP has many advantages
Agressive frequency
Secure Login
Fast Login
Transaction Control
Manager Overide